Working with a Global Team

An edited version of this appears on my LinkedIn. I wrote this while still in Capgemini for their Gradathon event. This is the unedited version of my write-up.  Hello! My name is Jeannel. I just graduated from the Capgemini graduate programme in May. I’ve been working with Capgemini since May 2016. My very first project… Continue reading Working with a Global Team


Sudden Beauty

Have you ever had an instance, where you looked at a person that you see really often, maybe every day, and in a single instance they just look more beautiful than normal? But it lasts only for a split second. But you don’t know, maybe the light catches them in a certain way or you’re looking at… Continue reading Sudden Beauty


Today, I’ve been playing around with CSS. And if you’ve used Bootstrap, you might be confused on how it works. Heck, I’m confused too. About how it overlaps and stuff. So following the blog post that I talked about recently I attempted to edit the CSS for my site. And it wasn’t working. In the… Continue reading CSS



So today I was showing Yao Jun something on my website, And he came back to complain about the lack of https. Which is so him, trying to make me the best of myself and stuff when it comes to things that is under his area of expertise. So what is HTTPS? Well HTTP means… Continue reading HTTPS


Custom WordPress Templates

So, if you’ve noticed (or maybe you didn’t since its predominantly white), my blog has sort of a custom template. And to do this, I initially thought it involved changing the index.php files in the blog directory.. turns out I did some Googling and this is not the case. I honestly spent an embarrassing amount… Continue reading Custom WordPress Templates


Getting the blog aligned

My website and my blog have been looking very different for a while. But the main thing I wanted was to get the header and footer of the website aligned with the blog. So I’ve been playing with this bit of code for a long time, which basically just puts the Header and Footer into… Continue reading Getting the blog aligned


What is Bootstrap?

If you’re like me, and have a background in Computing, or are just interested in website development, you may have come across the term “Bootstrap” a few times before. And if you’re also like me, slightly dim-witted, you may be thinking: “What the hell is Bootstrap and how do you use it?” The best way… Continue reading What is Bootstrap?


Setting up Google Suite

So. Vanity took the best of me and I decided to get an email which ends with In my search on how exactly to do something like this, I went to Google for options on how to get it set up. What I found were a couple of options: I could set up my… Continue reading Setting up Google Suite
